Carol Zelkin
Executive Director, IMCCA
Phone: 516-818-8184
Email: czelkin@imcca.org
IMCCA Announces Second Annual Collaboration Thanksgiving Webcast
The Future Of Work – Collaboration’s New Best Practices
Highlights Include Presentation of IMCCA Industry Impact Awards to Recognize Outstanding Contributions That Move Collaboration Toward Our New And Future Reality
New York, NY (September 20, 2021) -- IMCCA, a non-profit industry association for Unified Communication and Collaboration (UCC) celebrating it’s 22nd anniversary this year, is hosting a webcast on November 16, 2021 to discuss how the Covid19 pandemic has permanently changed the collaboration industry, impacting the future of work and radically changing what had been considered best practices until now.
MCCA’s The Future of Work – Collaborations New Best Practices webcast, once again in lieu of the IMCCA’s in-person, fall event, will address the emerging reality that our current pandemic may never completely go away. In such a future, where the condition will be endemic (something that we will always have to live with and be protected against via vaccines and other safety measures) we should no longer be waiting for a return to a ‘normal’ that in reality no longer exists.
The webcast will explore what it means as the collaboration industry needs to stop looking at our reactions as temporary safety measures and instead begins to adapt our approach to interpersonal collaboration on a permanent basis – redefining what normal is instead of waiting for that return to past habits. It will include panel discussions by industry experts offering insights into how we define what needs to be collaboration’s new best practices. It will focus on Hybrid Working and Learning, Enterprise Office Design, Home Office Design, and much more.
“The power and value of remote visual collaboration was tested and proven just weeks into the pandemic, and has kept organizations in business during the crisis,” said Carol Zelkin, Executive Director, IMCCA. “It’s a time to acknowledge that this new chapter will likely be around for the foreseeable future, and begin to define the new rules and best practices for remote and hybrid working and learning. Our Future of Work – Collaborations New Best Practices webcast will bring the best and brightest voices in our industry together to help explain what everyone could and should be doing to prepare to excel in this reality.”
A highlight of the event will be a presentation of IMCCA Industry Impact Awards to UCC organizations that are deserving of recognition for their new products / platforms and/or services that acknowledge this vastly different future for collaboration and move us closer to where we need to be. Nominees for the Industry Impact Awards will be selected by IMCCA Executive Board and Board Members. Then, a panel of five completely independent industry expert judges will select three nominees from each of four categories, and the results will be announced during the program. Categories include Collaboration Platform New Features; Hardware and Peripherals That Support A New Model Of Working; Integrators and Service Providers That Have Developed Next-Generation Offerings; and Distributors & Miscellaneous Organizations That Have Helped Move Us To The Future Of Work.
Our independent judges will be Irwin Lazar of Metrigy Research; Roopam Jain of Frost & Sullivan; Tim Banting of Omdia; David Smith of InFlow Analysis and Dan Ferrisi of Sound & Communications.
The Future of Work – Collaborations New Best Practices webcast, which will be hosted and moderated by IMCCA board members, is another of the IMCCA’s undertakings to provide support and guidance for the UCC industry notes Ms. Zelkin. The IMCCA has produced an ongoing stream of education and support in both webcasts and at the recently concluded CEDIA Expo. Details about all these efforts can be found on the IMCCA website (https://IMCCA.org.)
The Future of Work – Collaborations New Best Practices webcast is scheduled to begin at 11:00 am EDT and 4:00 pm UK on November 16, 2021. Registration is available online at www.collaborationweek.org. Those registered will be sent a personalized link to join.
Industry giants Crestron and Poly have already signed-on as participating sponsors, and many others will join the program in the coming weeks.
To learn more about The Future of Work – Collaborations New Best Practices Webcast and sponsorship opportunities, contact Carol Zelkin, Executive Director at 516-818-8184 or email at czelkin@imcca.org.
IMCCA is a not-for-profit user application and industry focused association with membership comprised of service and product providers, consultants, and users. Members benefit from the understanding and the use of various interactive and collaborative communications technologies in their professional and everyday lives.
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